Archive for the ‘HostGator’ Category

HostGator Promotion Code “FEB35″: Save 35% in February 2013

HostGator is having a special web hosting promotion through the end of February on all shared, reseller and dedicated hosting plans. Just visit HostGator and enter the promotion code “FEB35″ while selecting your domain during the order process (see below):


HostGator Promotion Code FEB35 - 35% Off


This means you can get basic hosting with the Hatchling shared web hosting plan for as little as $3.22/month on a 3 year contract. If you prefer a shorter time frame, the 35% discount applies there as well.


To learn more about HostGator read our complete review and compare it against other top 10 hosts in our Top 10 Web Hosting List or Expanded Comparison Chart.


Visit HostGator


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