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In general, what can get my web hosting account suspended?

Web Hosting Tutorial Series


Video #11: What can get my web hosting account suspended?


For the most part, web hosting providers are reasonable and willing to work with their customers. At the same time, there are those certain aspects that are prohibited and can get your account suspended if you are not careful. To ensure you never have to face this dilemma, here are a few things that can get your account suspended from various providers.

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For the most part, web hosting providers are reasonable and willing to work with their customers. At the same time, there are those certain aspects that are prohibited and can get your account suspended if you are not careful. To ensure you never have to face this dilemma, here are a few things that can get your account suspended from various providers.


One of the most common reasons for an account being suspended is if you exceed your storage and bandwidth limit or frequently use up a large amount of server resources like CPU and memory. There are providers that offer unlimited bandwidth and disk space that can help prevent this problem. The key is making sure the company is not a fraud as many that offer unlimited options tend to be.


Spam email messages that are sent from your account are another big no-no. Not only is this problematic for the provider, but for the recipient as well. Along those same lines includes hosting or linking to material that infringes the rights of a third party or any Federal, State or local laws, and hosting or linking to pornography.


As mentioned, there are those hosting providers that are reasonable and willing to work with customers. In such case, you may find the host will give you a warning before your account is suspended. However, you should never rely on a warning and stay on the safe side.


Outside of a suspended account, there are also those rare instances where the provider will simply terminate the account without a warning or suspension. If you are attempting to gain unauthorized access to someone else’s account or files, you can expect termination. The other instance where this may occur is if you verbally or physically abuse or threat the company’s employees. Whether it is over the phone, through email or in person, this is cause for immediate termination.


The thing you need to understand is that every hosting provider is different. They have different features, rules, and guidelines you will want to become familiar with prior to agreeing to any long-term contract of any sort.


After considering your options, it is vital you look at everything carefully. You will want to ask the hosting provider about their abuse, legal, or support department or check their acceptable use policy, terms of service, and other legal agreements to get clarifications. As long as you do not push the limits and steer clear of the mistakes listed in this article, you should have no problems with your account being suspended or terminated.


Up Next:


Learn more about uptime guarantees and how they affect your website.


What is Spam?

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What is an Uptime Guarantee?

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