Setting up a website is not always the most affordable thing you could do. First you have to design it, which might cost you something if you are not yourself a designer. Then you have to buy a domain name. Finally, you have to host the site. One way you can save a little money is to get your web hosting through one of the top domain hosts. Not only are most of the top hosting companies the cheapest out there, but most of them also offer a free domain name.


Compare Top 10 Web Hosting & Free Domain Names


Why They Do This

The main reason that web hosting providers offer free domain names with their packages is competition. If the competition is offering this and one particular company is not, you will likely move on. There is simply too little difference between the various providers for you to be willing to lose out on a freebie like this.


The other reason is to get customers. Offering a free domain name is a huge marketing point. They can offer it as a “free gift,” drawing customers in.


Finally, because these web hosting companies register so many domain names each year, they can get a great rate on the registration and renewal. The cost to them is much lower than it would be to you, so in the end both you and the host win. They win because they get your business, and you win because you do not have to pay for your domain name.


Which Company to Choose

Almost all of the top web hosting companies offer a free domain name. You will need to choose the company that best meets your other needs, looking at factors like what type of service they offer (U.S. based or not), the amount of space and bandwidth you will get, the other built in features, and, of course, the price. HostMonster, one of the top-rated web hosting providers, offers a free domain name. So does FatCow, which is known for its excellent price, and JustHost, which is currently running a special making it one of the cheapest options out there.


Free Domain for Life?

One feature to look for as you shop for a web hosting company is the offer of a free domain name for life. This means that you will never pay for your domain name, even if you change providers. The domain registration is taken care of. This will give you the flexibility to shop for a different web hosting company if your needs change or you find one that has a better offer.


Read the Fine Print

Remember, you might have to register for a contract of a certain length to get the free domain name. Always read the fine print before you sign up for web hosting assuming that you will have a particular freebie. If a company requires a two-year contract for a particular price or a free domain name, make sure it has the right products and services for your current and future needs. This will ensure that you are happy with the service for the entirety of your contract.

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