Archive for the ‘Intro to Web Hosting Video Series’ Category

What is a control panel?

Web Hosting Tutorial Series


Video #4: What is a control panel?


This video tutorial will teach you about the control panel, an essential part of any web hosting account.


Click to Watch 'What is a Control Panel?' Web Hosting Video


In terms of web hosting, the control panel is a web-based interface provided by your hosting company that allows you to manage a variety of hosted services in one spot. A control panel allows you to configure email accounts, upload files to your website, access server logs, manage databases, analyze web traffic, add new functionality, and more. It is an essential part of any web hosting account. Without it – even just a basic control panel – you wouldn’t be able to get very much done.


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What is FTP? Why do I need it?

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What’s the difference between shared, dedicated, and other types of hosting?

Web Hosting Tutorial Series


Video #3: What’s the difference between shared, dedicated, and other types of hosting?


This video tutorial will teach you about the different types of hosting so that you can determine what type of service might be right your web site.


Click to Watch Web Hosting Video #3: What's the difference between shared, dedicated, and other types of hosting?


In our first video, we briefly touched on the different types of web hosting that are available on the market today. If you are just getting started, more than likely you’ll want a shared hosting provider for your website.


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